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Analog Devices Inc.
ADE7751ARSZ Техническое описание(pdf)


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Детали продукта


The ADE7751ARSZ is an accurate fault tolerant electrical energy measurement IC intended for use in two-wire distribution systems. It provides instantaneous and average real power based on line voltage and current. The part specifications surpass the accuracy requirements as quoted in the IEC1036 standard. The only analog circuitry used on the ADE7751ARSZ is in the ADCs and reference circuit. All other signal processing (e.g., multiplication and filtering) is carried out in the digital domain. This approach provides superior stability and accuracy over extremes in environmental conditions and over time.

The ADE7751ARSZ incorporates a novel fault detection scheme, which both warns of fault conditions and allows the ADE7751ARSZ to continue accurate billing during a fault event. The ADE7751ARSZ does this by continuously monitoring both the phase and neutral (return) currents. A fault is indicated when these currents differ by more than 12.5%, and billing is continued using the larger of the two currents. Gain calibration between channels is adjusted external to this device. The ADE7751, available in SSOP packages, is pin compatible with the AD7751. It has the same functionalities as the AD7751. The only difference is that its low frequency (F1/F2) and high frequency (CF) outputs are synchronized under all load conditions.


Tube Package
Single Phase meter.

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Analog Devices Inc.
ADE7751ARSZ Energy Metering ICs applications.

  • Subsystem Power Measurement
  • Power Monitoring for Home Automation
  • Industrial Lighting Power Monitoring
  • Real-Time Measurement of Input Power for AC/DC Supplies
  • Intelligent Power Distribution Units
  • Telecom Infrastructure
  • Industrial Equipment
  • General Purpose Energy Measurement
  • Power monitoring/power budgeting
  • Central office equipment
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Трубка
Статус части: Активный
Входной импеданс: 390 кОм
Погрешность измерения: 0.1%
Высокое напряжение ввода/вывода: 2,4 В, 4 В, 4,5 В
Низкое напряжение ввода/вывода: 0,5 В, 0,8 В
Ток - питание: 3 мА
Напряжение питания: 4,75 В ~ 5,25 В
Тип счетчика: Однофазный
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 85°C
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 24-SSOP (0,209", ширина 5,30 мм)
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 24-SSOP

Analog Devices Inc.

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