A range of Programmable System-on-chip (PSoC®) products from Cypress Semiconductor incorporating analogue sub-systems with capacitive sensing hardware. These configurable devices include an on-board MCU and are aimed primarily at capacitive touch screen applications.
■10/8/6/4 capacitive button input
❐Robust sensing algorithm
❐High sensitivity, low noise
❐Immunity to RF and AC noise
❐Low radiated EMC noise
❐Supports wide range of input capacitance, sensor shapes, and sizes
■Target applications
❐Cellular handsets
❐LCD monitors
❐Portable DVD players
■Low operating current
❐Active current: continuous sensor scan: 1.5 mA
❐Deep sleep current: 4 µA
■Industry's best configurability
❐Custom sensor tuning, one optional capacitor
❐Output supports strong drive for LED
❐Output state can be controlled through I2C or directly from CapSense® input state
❐Run time reconfigurable over I2C
❐All GPIOs support LED dimming with configurable delay option in CY8C20110
❐Interrupt outputs
❐User defined inputs
❐Wake on interrupt input
❐Sleep control pin
❐Nonvolatile storage ofcustom settings
❐Easy integration into existing products – configure output to match system
❐No external components required
❐World class free configuration tool
■Wide range of operating voltages
❐2.4 V to 2.9 V
❐3.10 V to 3.6 V
❐4.75 V to 5.25 V
■I2C communication
❐Supported from 1.8 V
❐Internal pull-up resistor support option
❐Data rate up to 400 kbps
❐Configurable I2C addressing
■Industrial temperature range: –40 °C to +85 °C.
■Available in 16-pin QFN, 8-pin, and 16-pin SOIC packages
CapSense® Express™ Series
16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package
Up to 8 LED driver channels
16 pins
Addtional features of SRAM IS ORGANISED AS 512MB
Surface Mount Mounting Type
There are a lot of Cypress Semiconductor Corp
CY8C20180-SX2I Capacitive Sensors applications.
- Automotive Door I Kick Sensors
- Automotive Rain Sensor
- Remote and Direct Liquid Level Sensor
- High-resolution Metal Profling
- Rain I Fog I Ice I Snow Sensor
- Material Size Detection
- Material Stack Height
- Level Sensor for Liquids, including Conductive ones such as Detergent, Soap, and Ink
- Collision Avoidance
- Rain, Fog, Ice, Snow Sensor