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Dallas DS87C530-ENL

805133 МГц16 КБ (16К x 8)

Dallas Semiconductor


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Детали продукта


The DS87C530/DS83C530 EPROM/ROM microcontrollers with a real-time clock (RTC) are 8051-compatible microcontrollers based on the Dallas Semiconductor high-speed core. They use 4 clocks per instruction cycle instead of the 12 used by the standard 8051. They also provide a unique mix of peripherals not widely available on other processors. They include an on-chip RTC and battery backup support for an on-chip 1k x 8 SRAM. The new Power Management Mode allows software to select reduced power operation while still processing. A combination of high-performance microcontroller core, RTC, battery-backed SRAM, and power management makes the DS87C530/DS83C530 ideal for instruments and portable applications. They also provide several peripherals found on other Dallas high-speed microcontrollers. These include two independent serial ports, two data pointers, on-chip power monitor with brownout detection and a watchdog timer. Power Management Mode (PMM) allows software to select a slower CPU clock. While default operation uses four clocks per machine cycle, the PMM runs the processor at 64 or 1024 clocks per cycle. There is a corresponding drop in power consumption when the processor slows. The EMI reduction feature allows software to select a reduced emission mode. This disables the ALE signal when it is unneeded. The DS83C530 is a factory mask ROM version of the DS87C530-ENL designed for high-volume, costsensitive applications. It is identical in all respects to the DS87C530, except that the 16kB of EPROM is replaced by a user-supplied application program. All references to features of the DS87C530-ENL will apply to the DS83C530, with the exception of EPROM-specific features where noted. Please contact your local Dallas Semiconductor sales representative for ordering information. Note: The DS87C530/DS83C530 are monolithic devices. A user must supply an external battery or super cap and a 32.768kHz timekeeping crystal to have permanently powered timekeeping or nonvolatile RAM. The DS87C530/DS83C530 provide all the support and switching circuitry needed to manage these resources.


Bulk Package
52-TQFP package
Mounting type of Surface Mount

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Maxim Integrated
DS87C530-ENL Microcontroller applications.

  • Automatic control
  • Equipment control
  • Instrument control
  • Toys
  • Robots
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Heater/Fan
  • Calculator
  • Kindle
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Насыпной
Статус части: Активный
Программируемые: Не проверено
Основной процессор: 8051
Размер ядра: 8-разрядный
Скорость: 33 МГц
Возможность подключения: EBI/EMI, SIO, UART/USART
Периферийные устройства: Сброс при отказе питания, WDT
Количество входов/выходов: 32
Размер памяти программы: 16 КБ (16К x 8)
Тип памяти программ: OTP
Размер оперативной памяти: 1K x 8
Напряжение питания (Vcc/Vdd): 4,5 В ~ 5,5 В
Тип осциллятора: Внешний
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 85°C (TA)
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Пакет / футляр: 52-ЛКК (J-Lead)
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 52-PLCC (19.12x19.12)
Dallas Semiconductor

Dallas Semiconductor

Dallas Semiconductor - ведущая полупроводниковая компания, основанная в 1984 году со штаб-квартирой в Далласе, штат Техас, США. В 2001 году компания была приобретена компанией Maxim Integrated Products.

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