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Кнопки, слайдер, колесоНетI²C, SMBus, SPI1,65 В ~ 5,5 В

IDT, Integrated Device Technology Inc.
LDS6120NQGI Техническое описание(pdf)


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The LDS6107PYGI8 is IC SENSOR TCH PURETOUCH 28SSOP, that includes PureTouch? Series, they are designed to operate with a Touch Controllers Product, Type is shown on datasheet note for use in a Buttons, Slider, Wheel, that offers Packaging features such as Digi-ReelR Alternate Packaging, Unit Weight is designed to work in 0.080001 oz, as well as the SMD/SMT Mounting Style, the device can also be used as 28-SSOP (0.209", 5.30mm Width) Package Case. In addition, the Interface is I2C, SMBus, SPI, the device is offered in 1.65 V ~ 5.5 V Voltage Supply, the device has a 28-SSOP of Supplier Device Package, and Current Supply is 70μA, and the Number of Inputs is , and Proximity Detection is No, and the Operating Supply Current is 7.75 mA, and Interface Type is I2C SMBus SPI, and the Part # Aliases is IDTLDS6107PYGI8 LDS6107, and Supply Voltage Max is 5.5 V, and the Supply Voltage Min is 1.65 V.

The LDS6107PYGI is IC SENSOR TCH PURETOUCH 28SSOP, that includes 70μA Current Supply, they are designed to operate with a I2C, SMBus, SPI Interface, Number of Inputs is shown on datasheet note for use in a , that offers Package Case features such as 28-SSOP (0.209", 5.30mm Width), Packaging is designed to work in Tube Alternate Packaging, as well as the IDTLDS6107PYGI Part # Aliases, the device can also be used as No Proximity Detection. In addition, the Series is PureTouch?, the device is offered in 28-SSOP Supplier Device Package, the device has a Buttons, Slider, Wheel of Type, and Voltage Supply is 1.65 V ~ 5.5 V.


PureTouch™ Series
40-VFQFN Exposed Pad package
Up to 10 LED driver channels

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Renesas Electronics America Inc.
LDS6120NQGI Capacitive Sensors applications.

  • Gesture Recognition
  • Automotive Door I Kick Sensors
  • Automotive Rain Sensor
  • Remote and Direct Liquid Level Sensor
  • High-resolution Metal Profling
  • Rain I Fog I Ice I Snow Sensor
  • Material Size Detection
  • Material Stack Height
  • Level Sensor for Liquids, including Conductive ones such as Detergent, Soap, and Ink
  • Collision Avoidance
Характеристики продукта
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Модельный ряд: PureTouch™
Пакет: Лоток
Статус части: Последняя покупка
Программируемые устройства: Не проверено
Тип: Кнопки, слайдер, колесо
Обнаружение приближения: Нет
Количество входов: До 20
Количество каналов драйверов светодиодов: До 10
Интерфейс: I²C, SMBus, SPI
Напряжение питания: 1,65 В ~ 5,5 В
Ток - питание: 70 мкА
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 40-WFQFN Открытая площадка
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 40-VFQFPN (5x5)
IDT, Integrated Device Technology Inc.

IDT, Integrated Device Technology Inc.

Integrated Device Technology Inc. (IDT) - компания, специализирующаяся на разработке высокопроизводительных полупроводниковых решений смешанного сигнала, основанная в 1980 году со штаб-квартирой в Сан-Хосе, Калифорния, США. Продукция IDT используется в широком спектре приложений на рынках коммуникаций, вычислительной техники, бытовой электроники и автомобилей.

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