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Intel 5AGXMB1G4F35I5N


IC FPGA 544 I/O 1152FBGA


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Детали продукта


The 5AGXMB1G4F35C4N is IC FPGA 544 I/O 1152FBGA, that includes Arria V GX Series, they are designed to operate with a Arria V GX Product, Packaging is shown on datasheet note for use in a Tray, that offers Mounting Style features such as SMD/SMT, Tradename is designed to work in Arria V, as well as the 1152-BBGA, FCBGA Package Case, it has an Operating Temperature range of 0°C ~ 85°C (TJ). In addition, the Mounting Type is Surface Mount, the device is offered in 1.07 V ~ 1.13 V Voltage Supply, the device has a 1152-FBGA (35x35) of Supplier Device Package, and Number of Gates is , and the Number of I O is 544, and Data Rate is 6.5536 Gbps, and the Number of LABs CLBs is 14151, and Number of Logic Elements Cells is 300000, and the Total RAM Bits is 17358848, it has an Maximum Operating Temperature range of + 85 C, it has an Minimum Operating Temperature range of 0 C, and Operating Supply Voltage is 0.85 V 1.1 V 1.15 V, and the Maximum Operating Frequency is 800 MHz, and Number of Transceivers is 18, and the Number of I Os is 544 I/O, and Number of Logic Array Blocks LABs is 11320, and the Number of Logic Elements is 300000, and Total Memory is 16952 kbit, and the Embedded Block RAM EBR is 1852 kbit.

5AGXMB1G4F35I5G with circuit diagram, that includes Surface Mount Mounting Type, they are designed to operate with a Number of Gates, Number of I O is shown on datasheet note for use in a 544, that offers Number of LABs CLBs features such as 14151, Number of Logic Elements Cells is designed to work in 300000, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 100°C (TJ), the device can also be used as 1152-BBGA, FCBGA Package Case. In addition, the Packaging is Tray, the device is offered in Arria V GX Series, the device has a 1152-FBGA (35x35) of Supplier Device Package, and Total RAM Bits is 17358848, and the Voltage Supply is 1.07 V ~ 1.13 V.


Arria V GX Series
544 I/Os
Up to 17358848 RAM bits

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Intel
5AGXMB1G4F35I5N FPGAs applications.

  • Computer hardware emulation
  • Integrating multiple SPLDs
  • Voice recognition
  • Cryptography
  • Filtering and communication encoding
  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Medical Electronics
  • Audio
  • Automotive
  • Consumer Electronics
Характеристики продукта
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Модельный ряд: Arria V GX
Пакет: Лоток
Статус части: Устаревший
Программируемые устройства: Не проверено
Количество блоков логического массива/конфигурируемых логических блоков: 14151
Количество логических элементов/ячеек: 300000
Всего бит оперативной памяти: 17358848
Количество входов/выходов: 544
Напряжение питания: 1,07 В ~ 1,13 В
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 100°C (TJ)
Упаковка / Кейс: 1152-BBGA, FCBGA Exposed Pad
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 1152-FBGA (35x35)


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