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Intel N80C452

80C5114 МГц

8-BIT, 8051 CPU, 12MHZ
N80C452 Техническое описание(pdf)


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Description The Intel UPI-452 (Universal Peripheral Interface) is a 68 pin CHMOS Slave I/O Processor with a sophisticated bi-directional FIFO buffer interface on the slave bus and a two channel DMA processor on-chip. The UPI-452 is the newest member of Intel’s UPI family of products. It is a general-purpose slave I/O Processor that allows the designer to grow a customized interface solution. The UPI-452 contains a complete 80C51 with twice the on-chip data and program memory. The sophisticated slave FIFO module acts as a buffer between the UPI-452 internal CPU and the external host CPU. To both the external host and the internal CPU, the FIFO module looks like a bi-directional bottomless buffer that can both read and write data. The FIFO manages the transfer of data independent of the UPI-452 core CPU and generates an interrupt or DMA request to either CPU, host or internal, as a FIFO service request. The FIFO consists of two channels:the Input FIFO and the Output FIFO. The division of the FIFO module array, 128 bytes, between Input channel and Output channel is programmable by the user. Each FIFO byte has an additional logical ninth bit to distinguish between a data byte and a Data Stream Command byte. Additionally, Immediate Commands allow direct, interrupt driven, bi-directional communication between the UPI-452 internal CPU and external host CPU, bypassing the FIFO. The on-chip DMA processor allows high speed data transfers from one writeable memory space to another. As many as 64K bytes can be transferred in a single DMA operation. Three distinct memory spaces may be used in DMA operations; Internal Data Memory, External Data Memory, and the Special Function Registers (including the FIFO IN, FIFO OUT, and Serial Channel Special Functions Registers). Features ■83C452/80C452:3.5 to 14 MHz Clock Rate ■Software Compatible with the MCS-51 Family  ■128-Byte Bi-Directional FIFO Slave Interface  ■Two DMA Channels  ■256×8-Bit Internal RAM  ■34 Additional Special Function Registers ■40 Programmable I/O Lines ■Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters ■Boolean Processor ■Bit Addressable RAM ■8 Interrupt Sources ■Programmable Full Duplex Serial Channel ■64K Program Memory Space ■64K Data Memory Space ■68-Pin PGA and PLCC


Bulk Package
80C51 Core Processor
14MHz Speed
DMA Peripherals
40 Number of I/O
External Program Memory Program Memory Type
256 x 8 RAM Size
4.5V ~ 5.5V Voltage - Supply (Vcc/Vdd)
External, Internal Oscillator Type
0°C ~ 70°C (TA) Operating Temperature
Surface Mount Mounting Type
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Насыпной
Статус части: Активный
Программируемые устройства: Не проверено
Основной процессор: 80C51
Размер ядра: 8-разрядный
Скорость: 14 МГц
Периферийные устройства: DMA
Количество входов/выходов: 40
Тип программной памяти: Внешняя память программ
Объем оперативной памяти: 256 x 8
Напряжение питания (Vcc/Vdd): 4,5 В ~ 5,5 В
Тип генератора: Внешние, внутренние
Рабочая температура: 0°C ~ 70°C (TA)
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 68-LCC (J-Lead)
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 68-PLCC


Корпорация Intel - ведущая мировая полупроводниковая компания, основанная в 1968 году со штаб-квартирой в Санта-Кларе, штат Калифорния, США. Intel известна своими инновационными процессорными технологиями и полупроводниковыми решениями для широкого спектра приложений в компьютерах, центрах обработки данных, Интернете вещей и коммуникационном оборудовании.

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