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PIN - одиночный100V250 мА0,06пФ при 40 В, 1 МГц5,8 Ом @ 10 мА, 1 ГГц175°C (TJ)

MACOM Technology Solutions
MA4SPS402 Техническое описание(pdf)


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Детали продукта


This device is a Silicon-Glass PIN diode chip fabricated with MACOM's patented HMIC™ process. This device features two silicon pedestals embedded in a low loss, low dispersion glass. The diode is formed on the top of one pedestal and connections to the backside of the device are facilitated by making the pedestal sidewalls electrically conductive. Selective backside metallization is applied producing a surface mount device. This vertical conic topology provides for exceptional heat transfer from the active area. The topside is fully encapsulated with silicon nitride and has an additional polymer layer for scratch and impact protection. These protective coatings prevent damage to the junction and the anode air-bridge during handling and assembly.These surmount devices are suitable for usage in moderate incident power (5W C.W.) or higher incident peak power (50W) series, shunt, or series-shunt switches. Lower parasitic inductance, 0.45nH, and excellent RC constant (0.23pS), make the devices ideal for higher frequency switch elements compared to their plastic device counterparts.


HMIC™ Series
at its lowest breakdown voltage of 70V

175°C (TJ) Operating Temperature


There are a lot of M/A-Com Technology Solutions
MA4SPS402 applications of RF diodes.

  • Ultra high-speed switching
  • Clamping circuits
  • Diode ring mixer
  • RF detector
  • RF voltage doubler
  • Wearables
  • Smart metering
  • Set top boxes
  • RF attenuators and switches
  • Low-loss, high-power limiters
Характеристики продукта
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Модельный ряд: HMIC™
Пакет: Лоток
Статус части: Активный
Тип диода: PIN - одиночный
Максимальное пиковое обратное напряжение: 100V
Ток - макс.: 250 мА
Емкость при Vr, F: 0,06пФ при 40 В, 1 МГц
Сопротивление при прямом токе, частота: 5,8 Ом @ 10 мА, 1 ГГц
Рабочая температура: 175°C (TJ)
Упаковка / Кейс: 2-SMD, без свинца
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 2-SMD
MACOM Technology Solutions

MACOM Technology Solutions

Компания MACOM Technology Solutions, основанная в 1950 году и располагающая штаб-квартирой в Лоуэлле, штат Массачусетс, специализируется на разработке и производстве высокопроизводительных радиочастотных, микроволновых, миллиметровых волн и оптических полупроводниковых изделий.

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