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Maxim MAX6968AUE+

Линейный3V5.5V55 мА

Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated
MAX6968AUE+ Техническое описание(pdf)


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The MAX6968AUE serial-interfaced LED driver provides eight open-drain, constant-current sinking LED driver outputs rated at 5.5V. The MAX6968AUE operates from a 3V to 5.5V supply. The MAX6968AUE supply and the LEDs' supply or supplies may power up in any order. The constant-current outputs are programmed together to up to 55mA using a single external resistor. The MAX6968AUE operates with a 25Mb, industry-standard, 4-wire serial interface. The MAX6968AUE uses the industry-standard shift-register-plus-latch-type serial interface. The driver accepts data shifted into an 8-bit shift register using data input DIN and clock input CLK. Input data appears at the output DOUT eight clock cycles later to allow cascading of multiple MAX6968s. The latch-enable input LE loads the 8 bits of shift register data into an 8-bit output latch to set which LEDs are on and which are off. The output-enable input active-low OE gates all eight outputs on and off, and is fast enough to be used as a PWM input for LED intensity control. For applications requiring LED fault detection, refer to the MAX6977 data sheet that automatically detects open-circuit LEDs. For safety-related applications requiring a watchdog timer, refer to the MAX6978 data sheet that includes a fail-safe feature that blanks the display if the serial interface becomes inactive for more than 1s. The MAX6968AUE is one of a family of 12 shift-register-plus-latch-type LED drivers. The family includes 8-port and 16-port types, with 5.5V- or 36V-rated LED outputs, with and without open-circuit LED detection and watchdog. All versions operate from a 3V to 5.5V supply, and are specified over the -40°C to +125°C temperature range.


Tube Package
Available in the 16-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) Exposed Pad package
Operating temperature of -40°C~125°C TA
Supply voltage of 5V
Operating with the supply voltage of 5.5V
Switching frequency of 5MHz

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Maxim Integrated
MAX6968AUE+ LED Driver ICs applications.

  • Down lighting
  • Architectural lighting
  • Street lighting
  • Stage and Studio lighting
  • Refrigeration lighting
  • Portable lighting
  • Gallery lighting
  • Museum lighting
  • High-end retail lighting
  • Medical surgery lighting
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Трубка
Статус части: Активный
Тип: Линейный
Топология: Регистр сдвига
Внутренний переключатель(и): Да
Количество выходов: 8
Минимальное напряжение питания: 3V
Максимальное напряжение питания: 5.5V
Выходное напряжение: 5.5V
Ток - выход / канал: 55 мА
Примеры использования: Освещение, вывески
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 125°C (TA)
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 16-TSSOP (0,173", ширина 4,40 мм) Открытая площадка
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 16-TSSOP-EP

Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated

Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) - мировой лидер в области высокопроизводительных аналоговых полупроводников, специализирующийся на технологиях аналоговых и смешанных сигналов и управления питанием, и Maxim Integrated, дочерняя компания, специализирующаяся на разработке и производстве аналоговых и смешанных сигнальных интегральных схем. Слияние двух компаний завершилось в 2021 году.

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