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Maxim MAX9169EUE

Буфер, ReDriverLVDSLVDS, LVTTL630 Мбит/с1

Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated
MAX9169EUE Техническое описание(pdf)


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Детали продукта


The MAX9169/MAX9170 low-jitter, low-voltage differential signaling LVDS/LVTTL-to-LVDS repeaters are ideal for applications that require high-speed data or clock distribution while minimizing power, space, and noise. The devices accept a single LVDS (MAX9169) or LVTTL (MAX9170) input and repeat the input at four LVDS outputs. Each differential output drives 100Ω, allowing point-to-point distribution of signals on transmission lines with 100Ω termination at the receiver input. The MAX9169EUE and MAX9170 are pin compatible with the SN65LVDS104 and SN65LVDS105, respectively, and offer improved pulse-skew performance. Ultra-low 150ps (max) pulse skew and 200psP-P (max) added deterministic jitter ensure reliable communication in high-speed links that are highly sensitive to timing error, especially those incorporating clock-and-data recovery or serializers and deserializers. The high-speed switching performance guarantees 630Mbps data rate and less than 120ps channel-to-channel skew over the 3.0V to 3.6V operating supply range.Supply current is 30mA (max) for the MAX9169, and 25mA (max) for the MAX9170. LVDS inputs and outputs conform to the ANSI EIA/TIA-644 standard. A fail-safe feature on the MAX9169EUE sets the output high when the input is undriven and open, terminated, or shorted. The MAX9169/MAX9170 are offered in 16-pin TSSOP and SO packages, and operate over an extended -40°C to +85°C temperature range. Refer to the MAX9130 data sheet for an LVDS line receiver in an SC70 package.


Bulk Package
Tube package
16 pin count
16 pins

Surface Mount Mounting Type


There are a lot of Maxim Integrated
MAX9169EUE+ Drivers/Receivers/Transceivers applications.

  • Televisions
  • Cell phones
  • Wireless modems
  • Remote controls
  • Wireless network systems
  • Satellite communications networks
  • Ethernet circuitry
  • Wired telephone
  • Cordless telephone
  • Desktop PC
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Насыпной
Статус части: Активный
Тип: Буфер, ReDriver
Примеры использования: LVDS
Вход: LVDS
Максимальная скорость передачи данных: 630 Мбит/с
Количество каналов: 1
Время задержки: 4,2 нс
Входная емкость: 2,2 пФ
Напряжение питания: 3 В ~ 3,6 В
Ток - питание: 43 мА
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 85°C (TA)
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 16-TSSOP (0,173", ширина 4,40 мм)
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 16-TSSOP

Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated

Analog Devices Inc. (ADI) - мировой лидер в области высокопроизводительных аналоговых полупроводников, специализирующийся на технологиях аналоговых и смешанных сигналов и управления питанием, и Maxim Integrated, дочерняя компания, специализирующаяся на разработке и производстве аналоговых и смешанных сигнальных интегральных схем. Слияние двух компаний завершилось в 2021 году.

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