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Microchip USB84602AFT-B-001080RV03

Microchip Technology
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The Microchip USB84602AFT-B-001080-V03 is a low-power, OEM configurable, MTT (Multi-Transaction Translator) USB 2.0 hub controller with 2 downstream ports and advanced features for embedded USB applications. The USB84602AFT-B-001080-V03 is compliant with the USB 2.0 Specification and has passed AEC-Q100 testing. It includes advanced USB features, like; USB 2.0 Link Power Management and High-Speed Inter-Chip (HSIC) USB Electrical Specification Revision 1.0 for low power consumption. The USB84602 will attach to an upstream port as a Full-Speed hub or as a Full-/Hi-Speed hub, while the  2 downstreams ports support Low-Speed, Full-Speed, and Hi-Speed (if operating as a Hi-Speed hub).  The HSIC  interface is available as an updsteram port option, and provides  support  Hi-Speed operation, only.Meeting the desire of consumers for a “connected vehicle,” Microchip’s FlexConnect technology allows for easy port reversals or “role swapping.” The USB84602’s downstream port 1 is able to swap with the upstream host port, thus transferring the host capability to the product connected to port1, such as smartphones and tablets. This unique capability allows for the smartphone ecosystem of software and applications to be connected to the automobile infotainment system. The USB84602AFT-B-001080-V03 has been specifically optimized for embedded systems where high performance, and minimal BOM costs are critical design requirements. Standby mode power has been minimized and reference clock inputs can be aligned to the customer’s specific application. Flexible power rail options ease integration into energy efficient designs by allowing the USB84604 to be powered in a single-source (VBUS (5V), VBAT, 3.3V) or a dual-source (VBAT + 1.8, 3.3V + 1.8) configuration.  The USB-IF Battery Charger specificaiton (revision 1.2) is supported on up and downstream ports,. In  addition, all required resistors on the USB ports are integrated into the hub, including all series termination and pull-up/pull-down resistors on the D+ and D– pins


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Microchip Technology

Microchip Technology

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