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1Открытый коллектор, зажим Шоттки3 В ~ 5,5 В

FOD260LSD Техническое описание(pdf)


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Детали продукта


The FOD260L is OPTOISO 5KV OPEN COLLECTOR 8DIP, that includes Tube Packaging, they are designed to operate with a 0.031429 oz Unit Weight, Package Case is shown on datasheet note for use in a 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm), that offers Input Type features such as DC, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 85°C, as well as the Through Hole Mounting Type, the device can also be used as Open Collector, Schottky Clamped Output Type. In addition, the Number of Channels is 1, the device is offered in 3 V ~ 5.5 V Voltage Supply, the device has a 8-DIP of Supplier Device Package, and Data Rate is 10Mbps, and the Current Output Channel is 50mA, and Current DC Forward If Max is 50mA, and the Voltage Isolation is 5000Vrms, and Voltage Forward Vf Typ is 1.4V, and the Rise Fall Time Typ is 22ns, 3ns, and Inputs Side 1 Side 2 is 1/0, and the Common Mode Transient Immunity Min is 25kV/μs, and Propagation Delay tpLH tpHL Max is 90ns, 75ns, and the Pd Power Dissipation is 85 mW, it has an Maximum Operating Temperature range of + 85 C, it has an Minimum Operating Temperature range of - 40 C, and Vf Forward Voltage is 1.4 V, and the Isolation Voltage is 5000 Vrms, and Output Current is 50 mA, and the Vr Reverse Voltage is 5 V, and If Forward Current is 10 mA, and the Part # Aliases is FOD260L_NL.

The FOD250LT is OPTOISO 5KV TRANS W/BASE 8DIP, that includes 25mA Current DC Forward If Max, they are designed to operate with a 8mA Current Output Channel, Current Transfer Ratio Max is shown on datasheet note for use in a 50% @ 16mA, that offers Current Transfer Ratio Min features such as 15% @ 16mA, Input Type is designed to work in DC, as well as the Through Hole Mounting Type, the device can also be used as 1 Number of Channels, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 85°C, the device is offered in Transistor with Base Output Type, the device has a 8-DIP (0.400", 10.16mm) of Package Case, and Packaging is Tube, and the Supplier Device Package is 8-DIP, and Turn On Turn Off Time Typ is 1μs, 1μs (Max), and the Voltage Forward Vf Typ is 1.45V, and Voltage Isolation is 5000Vrms, and the Voltage Output Max is 7V.


Tape & Reel (TR) Package
1 Number of Channels
1/0 Inputs - Side 1/Side 2
5000Vrms Voltage - Isolation
25kV/µs Common Mode Transient Immunity (Min)
DC Input Type
Open Collector, Schottky Clamped Output Type
50 mA Current - Output / Channel
10Mbps Data Rate
90ns, 75ns Propagation Delay tpLH / tpHL (Max)
22ns, 3ns Rise / Fall Time (Typ)
1.4V Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ)
50mA Current - DC Forward (If) (Max)
3V ~ 5.5V Voltage - Supply
Surface Mount Mounting Type
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Лента и катушка (TR)
Статус части: Активный
Количество каналов: 1
Входы - сторона 1/сторона 2: 1/0
Напряжение изоляции: 5000 Вrms
Минимальная устойчивость к переходным процессам в общем режиме: 25 кВ/мкс
Тип входа: DC
Тип выхода: Открытый коллектор, зажим Шоттки
Ток - выход / канал: 50 мА
Скорость передачи данных: 10 Мбит/с
Максимальная задержка распространения для поднимающихся/опускающихся краев: 90ns, 75ns
Время нарастания / спада (типичное): 22 нс, 3 нс
Типичное прямое напряжение: 1.4V
Ток - постоянный прямой (если) (макс.): 50 мА
Напряжение питания: 3 В ~ 5,5 В
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 85°C
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 8-SMD, крыло чайки
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 8-SMD


onsemi (ранее ON Semiconductor) - ведущий мировой поставщик полупроводниковой продукции для интеллектуальных энергетических и сенсорных технологий. Компания была основана в 1999 году, ее штаб-квартира находится в Скоттсдейле, штат Аризона, США. Продукция onsemi охватывает автомобильную, промышленную отрасли, управление питанием и Интернет вещей.

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