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Silicon Labs RD-0057-0201

Приемопередатчик; Bluetooth® Smart 4.x Low Energy (BLE)2,4 ГГцBGM111, Si1133, Si7021, Si7201

Silicon Labs

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Детали продукта


The ThunderBoard-React is a cloud-connected, Bluetooth Smart-enabled, sensor-driven platform that enables customers to demo, evaluate, and develop their own unique applications. It leverages Silicon Labs’ BGM111 Bluetooth Smart module as a wireless system-on-a-chip (SoC) to collect to various sensor data and deliver it to the cloud through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) enabled iOS/Android mobile apps. This document provides an overview of the kit including hardware, software application, cloud platform and mobile app. It also contains instructions and guidelines to evaluate the simplicity of adding Bluetooth to your project to connect to the cloud. KEY POINTSLow-cost, Bluetooth Smart solution that collects and delivers data to the cloudHardware includes BGM111 Bluetooth Smart module linked to sensor inputsThunderBoard React connects to BLEenabled iOS/Android mobile appsApps connect to a cloud-based multi-client, real-time synchronization database ThunderBoard-React is a low-cost, BLE solution that collects and delivers data to the cloud. The ThunderBoard-React is a great demonstration and evaluation tool to easily add BLE connectivity to a sensor or actuator application. The mobile app seamlessly communicates between the ThunderBoard and the cloud database to visualize sensor data collected or control the LED states on the ThunderBoard-React hardware. Individual components of the ThunderBoard-React can be easily integrated and modified in order to add BLE-to-cloud connectivity for a user’s particular application. ThunderBoard-React Hardware Diagram


Box Package
Packed in 0201
Transceiver; Bluetooth® Smart 4.x Low Energy (BLE) Type

Board(s) Supplied Contents


There are a lot of Silicon Labs
RD-0057-0201 RF Boards applications.

  • Modem
  • MAC
  • PA
  • TR Switch
  • Power Management Unit (PMU)
  • Remote monitoring
  • Building automation
  • Building security
  • Industrial
  • Automation
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Box
Статус части: Устаревший
Тип: Приемопередатчик; Bluetooth® Smart 4.x Low Energy (BLE)
Частота: 2,4 ГГц
Для использования с/сопутствующими продуктами: BGM111, Si1133, Si7021, Si7201
Комплект поставки: Совет(ы)
Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs (Silicon Laboratories Inc.) - компания, специализирующаяся на производстве аналоговых и смешанных сигнальных интегральных схем, основанная в 1996 году со штаб-квартирой в Остине, штат Техас. Компания предлагает широкий спектр полупроводниковых решений, включая беспроводную связь, датчики и микроконтроллеры.

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Производители: 950

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