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Skyworks AAT4685IWP-1-T1

Защита аккумулятораЛитий-ионный-40°C ~ 85°C (TA)

Skyworks Solutions Inc.


Обновление цены:несколько месяцев назад

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Детали продукта


The AAT4684ITP-T1 is 28V OVER VOLT PROTECTION SWITCH, that includes ASPM? Series, they are designed to operate with a Digi-ReelR Alternate Packaging Packaging, Package Case is shown on datasheet note for use in a 12-TFSOJ (0.094", 2.40mm Width), that offers Input Type features such as Non-Inverting, it has an Operating Temperature range of -40°C ~ 150°C (TJ), as well as the P-Channel Output Type, the device can also be used as Status Flag Features. In addition, the Interface is On/Off, the device is offered in 12-TSOPJW Supplier Device Package, the device has a 1899/12/30 1:01:00 of Ratio Input:Output, and Number of Outputs is 1, and the Voltage Supply Vcc Vdd is Not Required, and Fault Protection is Over Temperature, UVLO, and the Output Configuration is High Side, and Rds On Typ is 100 mOhm, and the Voltage Load is 3 V ~ 14 V, and Current Output Max is 1.8A, and the Switch Type is General Purpose.

AAT4684AITP-T1 with circuit diagram manufactured by ANALOGIC. The AAT4684AITP-T1 is available in TSOPJW-12 Package, is part of the IC Chips.


ASPM™ Series
Available in 12-WFDFN Exposed Pad Package
Mounting Type: Surface Mount
Battery Chemistry : Lithium-Ion

Over Current, Over Temperature, Over/Under Voltage Fault Protection


There are a lot of Skyworks Solutions Inc.
AAT4685IWP-1-T1 Battery Management ICs applications.

  • Electric cars
  • Trucks
  • Non-road type vehicles
  • Golf carts
  • Electric-powered machinery
  • Fork lifts
  • Grid power infrastructure
  • Cell phone towers
  • A/C power substations
  • Internet infrastructure equipment
Характеристики продукта
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Модельный ряд: ASPM™
Пакет: Лента и катушка (TR)
Статус части: Устаревший
Функция: Защита аккумулятора
Состав батареи: Литий-ионный
Защита от неисправностей: Перегрузка по току, перегрузка по температуре, перегрузка по напряжению
Рабочая температура: -40°C ~ 85°C (TA)
Тип крепления: Поверхностный монтаж
Упаковка / Кейс: 12-WFDFN Открытая панель
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: 12-TDFN (3x3)
Skyworks Solutions Inc.

Skyworks Solutions Inc.

Skyworks Solutions Inc. - компания по производству аналоговых полупроводников, специализирующаяся на выпуске высокопроизводительных решений для беспроводной связи и Интернета вещей. Компания была основана в 2002 году, ее штаб-квартира находится в Ирвайне, штат Калифорния.

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