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Vishay Siliconix 2N4393-2

40 V100 ОмTO-206AA, TO-18-3 Металлическая банка

Vishay Siliconix
2N4393-2 Техническое описание(pdf)

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Детали продукта


The 1N4385GP-E3/54 is DIODE GEN PURP 600V 1A DO204AC, that includes SUPERECTIFIERR Series, they are designed to operate with a Standard Recovery Rectifiers Product, Packaging is shown on datasheet note for use in a Cut Tape (CT) Alternate Packaging, that offers Unit Weight features such as 0.012346 oz, Mounting Style is designed to work in Through Hole, as well as the DO-204AC, DO-15, Axial Package Case, the device can also be used as Through Hole Mounting Type. In addition, the Supplier Device Package is DO-204AC (DO-15), the device is offered in Single Configuration, the device has a Standard Recovery >500ns, > 200mA (Io) of Speed, and Diode Type is Standard, and the Current Reverse Leakage Vr is 5μA @ 600V, and Voltage Forward Vf Max If is 1V @ 1A, and the Voltage DC Reverse Vr Max is 600V, and Current Average Rectified Io is 1A, and the Reverse Recovery Time trr is 2μs, and Capacitance Vr F is 15pF @ 4V, 1MHz, it has an Operating Temperature Junction range of -65°C ~ 175°C, it has an Maximum Operating Temperature range of + 175 C, it has an Minimum Operating Temperature range of - 65 C, and Vf Forward Voltage is 1 V, and the Vr Reverse Voltage is 600 V, and Ir Reverse Current is 5 uA, and the If Forward Current is 1 A, and Max Surge Current is 50 A, and the Recovery Time is 2000 ns.

The 1N4384GPHE3/54 is DIODE GEN PURP 400V 1A DO204AC, that includes Through Hole Mounting Type, they are designed to operate with a Tape & Reel (TR) Packaging, Series is shown on datasheet note for use in a SUPERECTIFIERR, that offers Speed features such as Standard Recovery >500ns, > 200mA (Io), Diode Type is designed to work in Standard, as well as the DO-204AC, DO-15, Axial Package Case, the device can also be used as DO-204AC (DO-15) Supplier Device Package, it has an Operating Temperature Junction range of -65°C ~ 175°C, the device is offered in 5μA @ 400V Current Reverse Leakage Vr, the device has a 400V of Voltage DC Reverse Vr Max, and Reverse Recovery Time trr is 2μs, and the Voltage Forward Vf Max If is 1V @ 1A, and Current Average Rectified Io is 1A.


Bulk Package
40 V Voltage - Breakdown (V(BR)GSS)
5 mA @ 20 V Current - Drain (Idss) @ Vds (Vgs=0)
500 mV @ 1 nA Voltage - Cutoff (VGS off) @ Id
14pF @ 20V Input Capacitance (Ciss) (Max) @ Vds
100 Ohms Resistance - RDS(On)
1.8 W Power - Max
Through Hole Mounting Type
Характеристики продукта
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Пакет: Насыпной
Статус части: Устаревший
Тип FET: N-канальный
Напряжение пробоя (затвор-источник-источник): 40 V
Ток - сток (Idss) @ Vds (Vgs=0): 5 мА @ 20 В
Напряжение отсечки на затворе-источнике в выключенном состоянии и ток стока: 500 мВ при 1 нА
Максимальная входная емкость (Ciss) при Vds: 14пФ @ 20В
Устойчивость к внешним воздействиям: 100 Ом
Максимальная мощность: 1.8 W
Рабочая температура: -65°C ~ 200°C (TJ)
Тип крепления: Сквозное отверстие
Упаковка / Кейс: TO-206AA, TO-18-3 Металлическая банка
Поставщик Упаковка устройства: К-206АА (К-18)
Vishay Siliconix

Vishay Siliconix

Vishay Siliconix - ведущий производитель силовых полупроводников, специализирующийся на разработке продуктов, повышающих эффективность схем управления питанием. Основанная в 1962 году со штаб-квартирой в Сан-Хосе, штат Калифорния, компания Vishay приобрела 80% акций Siliconix в 1998 году, а оставшиеся акции - в 2005 году.

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